Hello everyone.
How's it going?
This week I made two tipes of drawings: memory and life
It was my week 8 of course of Caracter Design with Stephen Silver: http://www.silverdrawingacademy.com/
I hope you enjoy.
Please, Tell me something about my work.
How's it going?
This week I made two tipes of drawings: memory and life
It was my week 8 of course of Caracter Design with Stephen Silver: http://www.silverdrawingacademy.com/
I hope you enjoy.
Please, Tell me something about my work.
memory, life, expressions, attitudes, attitude, sketch, character, study, design, digital, cintiq, Azaghal, Young Nerd, photoshop, lesson, anger, fear, happy, joy, happiness, sad, suspicious, scared, sadness, disgust, surprise, fear, proportions, running , fight, dodge.
memória, vida, expressões, atitudes, atitude, esboço, personagem, estudo, design, digital, cintiq, Azaghal, Jovem Nerd, photoshop, lição, raiva, medo, prazer, alegria, felicidade, triste, desconfiado, tristeza, nojo, surpresa, medo , proporções, correr, lutar, esquivar-se.